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Saturday, May 29, 2010

A True Dilema

I can't quite figure out how to knit and garden at the same time...... it's most unfortunate as I enjoy both so passionately. I also have discovered that if I garden all day, my eyes just won't stay open for an evening of knitting. I think both activities are alike as they involve colour and texture and creativity, and make me terribly happy to be child of the One who planned it all. In fact as each knitting stitch works together I think of how we are known by God before we are knitted together in our mothers' wombs. As I garden I like to remember how He clothes the lilies of the field in splendor, and takes care of me too.
Here's a little project that I've been working on for this year. The arbor does need to be white I think, so I'll get out my trusty brush and can of paint and it will soon be.

1 comment:

  1. Your arbor looks lovely and so do all your flowers! My sister recently bought a house with her fiance and they have lots of flowerbeds so I'm learning to appreciate them more lately! What lovely things they are and how blessed we are that God made them for us to enjoy!
